ICAPS 2019: International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling - Call for paper, ranking, acceptance rate, submission deadline, notification date, conference location, submission guidelines, and other important details

This article provides the call for paper, ranking, acceptance rate, submission deadline, notification date, conference location, submission guidelines, and other important details of ICAPS 2019: International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling all at one place.

Conference Location Berkeley, California, USA
Conference Date 2019-07-15
Notification Date 2019-02-06
Submission Deadline 2018-11-16
Conference Website and Submission Link

Conference Ranking

International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling ranking based on CCF, Core, and Qualis is shown below:

CCF Ranking B
Core Ranking A*
Qualis Ranking A2

Click here to check the ranking of any conference.
  • About CCF Ranking: The Chinese Computing Federation (CCF) Ranking provides a ranking of peer-reviewed journals and conferences in the field of computer science.

  • About Core Ranking: The CORE Conference Ranking is a measure to assess the major conference in the computing field. This ranking is governed by the CORE Executive Committee. To know more about Core ranking, visit Core ranking portal.

  • About Qualis Ranking: This conference ranking is published by the Brazilian ministry of education. It uses the h-index as a performance metric to rank conferences. Conferences are classified into performance groups that range from A1 (to the best), A2, B1, B2,..., B5 (to the wost). To know more about qualis ranking, visit here

Conference Acceptance Rate

Below is the acceptance rate of International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling conference for the last few years:

Year Submitted Papers Accepted Papers Accepted Percentage/Acceptance Rate
2012 132 45 34.1%
2011 138 47 34.1%
2010 113 37 32.7%
2009 121 41 33.9%
2007 136 43 31.6%
2006 99 33 33.3%
2004 119 37 31.1%
2003 98 30 30.6%
2002 90 32 35.6%

We are working hard to collect and update the acceptance rate details of the conferences for recent years. However, you can consider the above (if available) acceptance rates to predict the average chances of acceptance of your research paper at this conference.

Conference Call for paper

The Robotics Track welcomes research contributions in the general areas of planning and scheduling (P&S), which relate to the advancement of intelligent robots. P&S models and techniques are important for enabling autonomous, flexible, and interactive behaviors in robotic systems. A deep integration of these methods into robotic architectures can assist their effective deployment. In this direction, the ICAPS-2019 Robotics track provides an opportunity for the planning and robotics communities to share research progress in the area of robot planning and showcase the use of planning and scheduling technology in robotics applications.Submission of papers that have been demonstrated on actual robotic systems or those that focus on impacting real-world application domains (e.g. logistics, transportation, manufacturing, etc.) are specifically encouraged. Topics include, but are not limited to:
integrated task and motion planning
learning methods for robot planning
integrated planning and execution for long-term autonomy
plan execution, failure detection and recovery
planning with uncertainty in robotics
multi-robot planning, scheduling/coordination, and execution
planning for perception
manipulation task and/or motion planning
explanation models and learning for autonomous robots
human-aware planning and execution in human-robot interaction
mixed-initiative planning and adjustable autonomy
planning methods in cognitive robotics
adversarial action planning in competitive robotic domains
representation and acquisition of planning models for robotics
formal methods for robot planning and control
safety, ethics, and transparency in robot planning
benchmark planning domains for robots
real-world applications of planning for intelligent robots

Submission Deadline

ICAPS 2019: International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling submission deadline is 2018-11-16.

Note: It is generally recommended to submit your conference paper on or before the submission deadline. Generally, conferences do not encourage to submit the research paper after the deadline is over. In rare scenarios, conferences extend their deadline. Decision about the extension of the deadline is generally updated on the official conference webpage.

Notification date

Notification date of ICAPS 2019: International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling is 2019-02-06.

Note: This is the date on which conference announces the result about acceptance or rejection of submitted papers. If your research paper is accepted, the conference will request you to submit the camera ready version of your research paper by the due date. Due date to submit the camera ready version of the paper is generally posted on the official web page of the conferences or notified to you via. email.

Conference Date

ICAPS 2019: International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling will start on 2019-07-15.

Note: This is the date on which the conference starts.

Conference Location

ICAPS 2019: International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling will be organized at Berkeley, California, USA. This is the place where the conference is organized and the research paper is to be presented.