In this article, we will study how to easily include bibliography or references into your LaTex document. We will also discuss how to cite a paper in any LaTex document in detail.
Steps to include bibliography/reference and cite a bibliography/reference are as follows:
Step 1 First create an empty LaTex document with .tex extension using your LaTex editor TeXstudio/ShareLaTeX/Texmaker. Say paper.tex.
You can also create this file using notepad/notepad++/gedit, etc. However, LaTex should be installed in your system in order to compile and run your LaTex code.
Step 2 Create another empty file with .bib extension. Say reference.bib. This is a file containing all your references which are formatted in a particular way, which we will discuss in later steps.
Step 3 Open your paper.tex file with any of the LaTex editor (Eg., TeXstudio) and insert the below code:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | \documentclass[a4paper,11pt,twocolumn]{article} \begin{document} \title{Femto-to-Femto (F2F) communication: The next evolution step in 5G wireless backhauling} \author{Anup Chaudhari} \date{} \maketitle \begin{abstract} The future 5G cellular networks are expected to support several-fold increase in data traffic and number of devices, and provide a very low latency and gigabit-rate data services. \end{abstract} \section{introduction} This is my first citation \cite{femto_anup}.. that a and b ... \bibliographystyle{plain} \bibliography{reference} \end{document} |
Now, look at the two important lines at the bottom of the above LaTex code:
\bibliographystyle{plain}: This command is used to specify the type of styling for your references and can be one of the following: plain, abbrev, acm, apalike, ieeetr, alpha, siam, unsrt
\bibliography{reference}: By using this command you specify the name of your bibliography/reference file (Here, reference.bib ) without the .bib extension.
Step 4 Now, open your bibliography file reference.bib and insert the references you would like to cite or include in your paper or article
Latex Bibliography Example:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | @INPROCEEDINGS{femto_anup, author={A. {Chaudhari} and C. S. R. {Murthy}}, booktitle={2017 15th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt)}, title={Femto-to-Femto (F2F) communication: The next evolution step in 5G wireless backhauling}, year={2017}, volume={}, number={}, pages={1-8}, doi={10.23919/WIOPT.2017.7959917}, ISSN={}, month={May} } |
Note: You must strictly follow the correct syntax otherwise you might get compile errors.
Step 5 Each entry in the .bib file must start with a reference type declaration, which is in a form of @type.
Some of the commonly used @types are: @inproceedings, @article,@book, etc.
After a type declaration, you must type all reference attributes in the the curly braces { and }.
The first attribute immediately following the left curly brace { is called as citation key (Here, femto_anup is the citation key). Citation key should be unique and distinct for all the entries in your reference.bib file. This key will act as an identifier to cross-reference it to this particular entry.
Step 6 Now observe the command \cite{femto_anup}, this command is used to cross-reference or cite the record/entry with the citation key femto_anup.
Step 7 Compile and run to see the output.
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