Categories |
Call for Papers |
Call for papers/Topics
Eurasian Network for Academic Research (ENAR) invites scholars, researchers, practitioners, and student proposals to submit papers for paper presentations, interactive sessions, virtual talks, or colloquia addressing one of the following tracks & topics. If you are unable to attend the conference, you may still join the community and submit your article for peer review and possible publication, upload an online presentation, and enjoy subscriber access to the journal. The topic includes but not limited to: Basic Science: Advanced Chemistry | Advanced Numerical Algorithms | Applications of Computation as a Scientific Paradigm | Computational Physics & Biology | Cryptography | Crystal Growth of Advanced Materials | Mathematical Modeling | Quantum computation. Life Science Engineering: Advancements in Medical Technology | Bio-Engineering | Bio-medical Engineering | Bio-Nanotechnology | Medical Imaging | Robotics and Rehabilitation. Civil Engineering: Bridge and Tunnel Engineering | Building Energy Conservation and Green Architecture | Geotechnical Engineering | High-rise Structure and Large-span Structure | Modern Trends in Civil Engineering | Municipal Engineering | Town Planning | Transportation Engineering | Water Resource Engineering. Management: Business communication | Business Statistics | E-Commerce Technologies | Enterprise Resource Planning | Financial and Management Accounting | Financial Management | HR Management | Marketing Management | Retail Management | Strategic Management. Computer Science and Applications: Algorithms and data structures | Artificial Intelligence | Computational Complexity, Economics, Geometry | Computer Networks | Natural Language Processing | Program semantics and verification | Software Engineering | Theoretical Computer Science & Algebra. Mechanical Engineering: Automobile Engineering | Avionics | Design and Manufacturing Engineering | Industrial and Systems Engineering | Materials Science and Engineering | Mechatronics and Automation | Production Technology | Textile and Leather Technology. Electrical Engineering: Electric Drives and Control | Electrical Machines | Electricity Market in Smart Grid | Instrumentation Engineering | Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution | Power System Engineering & its applications | Renewable Power Generation and its Efficient Utilization | Smart Grids Technologies & Applications. Oil, Gas, Energy & Mining Engineering: Alternative Energy | Drilling and Completion Technology | Energy Demand & Supply | Energy Sector opportunities & Challenges | Environmental & Health Aspects | Geo-science | Metal Mining | Resource Utilization Issues. ICT: Cloud Computing | Communication Networks & Security | Information Theory | Machine Learning | Network Management | Next Generation Networks |Parallel and distributed computing | Signal Processing | Software Engineering. |
Summary |
ICESTM 2022 : SCOPUS International Conference on Engineering, Science, Technology & Management (ICESTM) will take place in Warsaw, Poland. It’s a 1 day event starting on Oct 19, 2022 (Wednesday) and will be winded up on Oct 19, 2022 (Wednesday). ICESTM 2022 falls under the following areas: ENGINEERING, SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, MANAGEMENT, etc. Submissions for this Conference can be made by Sep 14, 2022. Please check the official event website for possible changes before you make any travelling arrangements. Generally, events are strict with their deadlines. It is advisable to check the official website for all the deadlines. Other Details of the ICESTM 2022
Credits and Sources |
[1] ICESTM 2022 : SCOPUS International Conference on Engineering, Science, Technology & Management (ICESTM) |