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Dear Colleagues,
Emotional AI (EAI) continues to demonstrate increasing utility in various applications. In the context of communications networks, EAI is showing great potential in automating quality of experience (QoE) measurements and enriching mixed-reality communications. The aim of this Special Issue is to capture the state of EAI in the context of communication networks. This spans research and commercial efforts as well as standardization. It also includes emotional sensing setups, processing, and representation. Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following: Affect discretization and modeling Affect emulation Affect synthesis Affective sensing for crowds Applications of affective sensing in AR/VR communications Connected vehicles Crowd control and management Education eHealth Network management Smart cities AI/ML applications in affective sensing Architectures for affective sensing Fusion in multi-modal sensing techniques Generating affective sensing datasets Qualifying affective sensing solutions Keywords: emotional sensing emotional artificial intelligence affective sensing quality of experience network management Dr. Abd-Elhamid M. Taha Prof. Najah Abu Ali Prof. Vojislav B Mišić Guest Editors |
Credits and Sources |
[1] EAICN 2022 : Special Issue: Emotional AI and its Applications in Communications Networks |