How to Get Rid of a Stye: 10 Home Remedies and Treatments

Written by Resurchify | Updated on: April 16, 2022

How to Get Rid of a Stye: 10 Home Remedies and Treatments

A stye is an infection that causes a red, painful, lump, pimple-like, on the inside or outside of the eyelid. It's an abscess filled with pus and mostly occurs along the edge of our eyelids. It tends to develop when a gland is blocked.

We have three glands on the eyelids, namely the gland of Zeis, the gland of Moll and the meibomian gland. The Glad of Zeis secretes an oily substance to lubricate our eyelashes. The gland of Moll is a sweat gland, while the meibomian gland prevents the evaporation of our eye's tear film. However, sometimes in these glands, dead skin cells and bacteria get trapped, leading to an infection, thus giving rise to an eye stye. When the infection occurs in the Zeis or Moll glands, it is termed an external stye; however, if the infection occurs in the meibomian gland, it is an internal stye that presses against our eye. It is more painful than an external stye. Having an eye stye is an itchy, stingy feeling. And no one can deny that we've all been there, irritated, annoyed, wishing it would go away just as quickly as it came. It can also be caused due to various other reasons like touching or rubbing the eyes, especially with unwashed hands, dirty contact lenses, leaving makeup overnight or poor hygiene. But, don't worry! You can take care of them pretty easily. 

Below, we suggest you the best home remedies that will help you get rid of an eye stye.

Tea Bags

Use a clean cloth, soak it in warm water and then apply it over the eyes. It is the most repeated remedy for a stye. You can add the antioxidants of tea to make it more effective. One can use any tea, green or black, for this treatment. Because the majority of us are tea lovers, we have it at home, and we won't have to go out to buy any ingredients. All you got to do is boil water and let it coll until you can handle it on your skin. Dip the tea bag of your choice into the water, apply it to the affected area, and hold it firmly against the eyelid for about 10 minutes. Repeat it 5 times a day. And wait! Do not throw the used tea bags. Use chamomile tea bags on your skin to naturally soothe razor burns. You can also add brewed tea bags in warm water and soak your feet. This will soften the calluses, nourish your skin and neutralize foot odours. Massaging the skin with tea bags will soothe irritation and inflammation. Hang an already brewed tea bag in the pot while you boil water. Use mint or jasmine tea, for light flavour in rice, pasta or grains. These tea bags can also be used again as a natural glass cleaner. The tea will easily wipe away fingerprints or dirt. Fill your sink with water and toss a few used tea bags inside, soak the dishes for a while and wash them with ease. The tannic acid of the soaked tea helps in breaking down grease and food stuck on the dishes.


This spice not only adds colour and flavour to recipes but also takes away inflammation to skin problems. Turmeric has a lot os healing properties. It is often used as an antispetic. It is a very effective and safe method to get rid of a sty. If the problem is too close to your eye to use the turmeric paste comfortably, you can make tea out of the powder instead. Mix 1 teaspoon of turmeric with enough water, coconut oil or castor oil to make a smooth paste. Wash your hands, clean the stye with warm water and wash your hands again. Apply the paste and leave it for 15 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water and repeat it up to 4 times per day. You can also mix two teaspoons of turmeric into 1 cup of hot water and make sure it is cool enough to touch your skin. Dip the corner of a clean washcloth into the mixture and apply it to the sty area until it is dry. Repeat this process using a clean area of the cloth up to 5 times a day. Turmeric also helps you to control weight. To lose weight quickly, just start drinking turmeric water or add turmeric to your diet. It is full of essential oils, manganese, potassium, vitamin E, vitamin C, calcium, iron and zinc. Especially, turmeric water can speed up your metabolism, remove excess fluid from your body, help to get rid of toxins, prevent new fat cells from growing and reduce the craving for fatty foods.

Garlic Juice

Garlic juice is yet one more solution that will help you to get rid of the painful sty. The anti-bacterial properties of garlic juice relieve you from the pain and reduce its size of it. Apply the juice that oozes out after crushing one garlic clove carefully on the sty using a Q-tip. Once it is dry, wash it with lukewarm water. For best results, do it twice a day. Make sure that the juice doesn't enter your eyes as it can sting a bit. Garlic juice is loaded with important vitamins, minerals and other important nutrients that can improve our overall health. It is also an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin A, manganese, phosphorous, calcium, potassium, and iron. Consuming it daily is also a great way to naturally boost our immune system. It helps boost the health of our heart and reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Consuming raw garlic juice regularly can also help to promote weight loss while also promoting healthy weight management. 

Tea Tree Oil

This powerful essential oil helps to eliminate all kinds of skin and fungal issues. It will also get rid of a sty and can be used on its own or as an addition to any other treatments. Mix 1 teaspoon of 100 per cent natural and pure tea tree oil with two tablespoons of filtered, boiled water. Cool it in the fridge for about 2 to 3 hours. Using a clean cloth or a makeup pad, apply it to the sty area and let it penetrate the skin. For best results, repeat it three times a day. It is also celebrated for its benefits to the hair, skin and nails. Most non-natural deodorants are wrong for so many reasons. They are bad for the environment, are irritable to the skin, and in some cases, they can even be toxic. Tea tree oil is a fantastic alternative and works just as effectively. It contains anti-bacterial properties that control body odour that's released when sweat glands combine with the skin's bacteria. If you are a hygiene freak, then you should probably know that tea tree oil is an excellent hand sanitizer. It is known to kill many viruses and bacteria. It is a great alternative to the 'full of chemical' sanitizers that we buy from the chemist. 

Apple Cider Vinegar

This magic potion has many health benefits, from lowering blood sugar levels, and killing harmful bacteria to treating nail fungus and ear infections. Organic apple cider vinegar is also a great option for reducing inflammation and fighting infection. It holds anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties and effectively treats styes. To prepare this remedy:

  1. Mix two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with a cup of boiled water and place the solution in the refrigerator for 3 hours.
  2. Use a washcloth, a cotton ball, or a makeup pad to apply the mixture to the affected area.
  3. Hold it against the sty for a few minutes.
  4. Repeat up to five times daily until it heals completely.

It is also used to remove dandruff. It is a very good exfoliator. Got a sore throat? Well, don't worry, apple cider vinegar is here for the rescue. It is also used to detoxify the liver. 

Guava Leaves

These heal the sty and provide relief from pain and swelling. The only reason behind this is the anti-inflammatory properties that these leaves possess. They are also antimicrobial and will prevent your eye from getting infected. For the remedy, boil 5-6 guava leaves for 5 to 7 minutes in water and let it cool down for a while. Now dip a soft cloth in this water and place it on the sty for about 15 minutes. For best results, repeat this procedure 2-3 times a day. These leaves are also beneficial for diabetic people and help to lower blood pressure. It is extensively used to treat diarrhoea and dysentery. They also aid in smooth digestion. Guava leaves prevent prostate cancer, and they also serve as a natural remedy for hair loss.

Warm Compress

Place a clean, warm compress on the affected eye at least three to four times a day, 10 minutes each time. It works because the heat opens up the oil glands, in turn making it easier for any clogged material to escape. You can use a washcloth with warm water, but those tend to hold heat for only a minute or so. Instead, take a clean old sock, put uncooked rice in it, and make sure that it is tied so that the rice won't escape. Next, put it in the microwave for 45 seconds. This creates a compress that stays warm for about 10 minutes. 

Aloe Vera

The plant best known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties is aloe vera. It has a very cooling effect and can help to decrease the swelling, redness, and inflammation in the eyes. Take a small leaf in front the aloe vera plant and cut it open. Extract the cool gel and rub it on the affected area. Allow it to stay for 10-20 minutes and wash it with lukewarm water. It is a natural laxative. Yes! It acts as an excellent laxative for irritable and upset stomachs. This thick plant with pointed lush leaves contains important bioactive agents that provide wonderful benefits. This includes soothing your digestive system. A small amount of dried aloe vera juice can relieve constipation. These are also great for sunburns. Aloe vera helps to cure sunburns caused by constant exposure to UV rays. You can apply aloe vera gel to the sunburnt area because it is known to accelerate the healing process in affected areas. It can also be used to heal minor cuts, wounds and skin irritations. According to a study, aloe vera accelerates the healing process by approximately nine days compared to conventional medicines. Aloe vera can be used as a remedy for heartburn. It also helps to prevent mouth ulcers, tooth decay and gum issues. It is often used as a mouthwash to help control mouth bacteria. Similarly, food stuck with your teeth and gums can lead to plaque. But don't you worry, aloe vera mouthwash helps rectify this as it contains vitamin C, which restricts plaque growth. It turns out that aloe vera can potentially help you fight against the risk of breast cancer.

Coconut Oil

This versatile oil has many health and beauty benefits, from boosting the brain to protecting your hair, skin and teeth. It has antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties that make it an effective treatment for skin issues like styes. For the remedy, pour half a cup of coconut oil into a clean container. Wash your hands and face thoroughly with warm water and mild soap, and pat dry. Using a clean cloth or makeup pad, apply a small amount of oil to the sty. DO NOT wash it. Let it penetrate the skin. Repeat this as often as you want but give the oil time to get absorbed by the skin between applications. You can use it as a mouthwash to detoxify and maintain dental health. This is also known as oil pulling. It is good for oral hygiene because it contains antioxidants that purify and keeps the risk of infections at bay. Take two spoons of coconut oil, and swish it within 5-10 minutes. Rinse your mouth with water and brush your teeth after this. This will throw out all the bacteria and harmful germs while cleaning your teeth and gums together. It would keep dental infection disorders oral and bad health away. Be careful to not swallow it at all, and do not spit this mixture in the sink as it will clog it. Some oils are not safe when they are cooked because of high temperature. Coconut oil can be the best alternative. Coconut oil, if it is cold-pressed and fresh, it is most healthy. Apart from its high nutrient value, coconut oil is very much useful to improve metabolism and reduce the risk of various diseases. Coconut oils help in increasing good cholesterol, and so it helps improve the internal functions of the body; it also helps in increasing the satisfaction of our nutrient meals; it is also known to help in thyroid issues. It can be a very good substitute for butter in various foods, and it also reduces abdominal fat and cholesterol and aids in weight loss. 

Salt Water

Boil 1-litre water, add two tablespoons of salt to it and let the water cool a little. Then dip a towel or soft cloth in it. Now compress the affected area with the water and leave it there for 20 minutes until the towel is no longer warm. Do this twice a day until the stye is healed. The warmth of the water will soothe the irritating eye stye. This will reduce the pain and also swelling by promoting circulation. In this remedy, salt acts as an antimicrobial agent. Not just for styes, but saltwater gargle can do wonders for your body as well. It contains skin-friendly minerals like magnesium, calcium, and potassium. People with a normal skin type who want to achieve softer skin can start using salt in their skincare routine.

Frequently Asked Questions regarding Eye Styes

How long can a stye take to heal?

There are two types of styles. The first one is called the external stye and they are formed because of an infection in the glands along the eyelashes. Two types of glands keep the eyelashes healthy. If there is an infection on these glands, then it's called an external sty, and they are typically harmless and are easy to locate. You can see them along your eyelashes. They will resolve by a week or two at most with ease, and they usually do not have any long term impact on the eyelids or general eye health. The second kind of sty is the internal sty caused by an infection in the Meibomian gland. It's not always easy to see it, and it usually looks like a bump on the eyelid, or you'll feel it under your eyelid, and you may not necessarily see it along your eyelashes. These are the ones that usually take a long time to heal, and you need to be careful with it; you should do hot compresses at least twice a day. If not taken care of properly, it takes a lot of time to heal. It can even take two years for it to heal. The biggest problem of this sty is that you lose that gland if you get an infection in the meibomian gland.

How to prevent styes?

Styes are small infections of the oil glands along the eyelid. In general, a lot of people can treat styes at home just by doing warm compresses. You should be doing them for at least 8-10 minutes, at least four times a day. In addition, just a general rule for eye health is to make sure that you are washing your hands regularly and not rubbing your eye because that could put you at an increased risk of an eye infection. But, if you are getting styes a lot, there are some things you can do to help prevent them from becoming so frequent. First of all, just clean your eyelids regularly. Using a mild soap with warm water every day can help reduce the number of styes that you are getting. If you are someone who makes a lot of eye makeup, make sure that you are not sleeping in it. Clean it off well before going to be just with some sort of eyelid cleanser, if it still doesn't show any improvement, be sure to talk with your doctor.

Are styes contagious?

No, styes are not contagious. Unlike conjunctivitis, which are caused by viral infections, styes are infections of the lid glands called the meibomian gland. 

Does makeup cause styes?     

Using contaminated makeup predisposes us to have a sty. Makeup travels pretty quickly to our oil glands resulting in its blockage, causing dryness, triggering the sensitivity, which leads to a sty. To prevent this, you should throw away your eye makeup, especially the gel and cream-based makeups, every three months, including your liquid liners and mascaras. They are supposed to be thrown every three months even if they are not empty. Apart from this, make sure that your brushes and applicators are clean. Clean them with warm water and baby shampoo. Also, never store your makeup in the vanity or the bathrooms. Make sure that you are washing your hands before you put your makeup on, and then at night, make sure to remove your makeup thoroughly because the makeup potentially clogs the oil glands. And if you already have a sty, stop wearing makeup until it heals because otherwise, it's just going to prolong the healing time. Eyelid skin is the thinnest skin in your body, so it is more likely to get infected. Make sure you improve your makeup routine. Washing eyes thoroughly with cold water is the best therapy.




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