10 Surprising Benefits of Hyaluronic Acid

Written by Resurchify | Updated on: April 05, 2022

10 Surprising Benefits of Hyaluronic Acid

If you're into skincare, you've probably heard of the well-known acid hyaluronic acid. It has proven a lifesaver for many individuals, and many people believe it is a chemical, which it is, but very few people have realized that their own bodies also generate it. Our bodies manufacture hyaluronic acid, which is a transparent, thick, sticky material.

This acid is abundant in your body, notably in your skin, connective tissues, and eyes. Its primary role in the body is to keep your skin hydrated and your joints lubricated and smooth. This acid can be found in a variety of forms. Some individuals like to take it as supplements, while others incorporate it into their skincare routine. It is also available in eye drops.

The following are a few hyaluronic acid advantages that will astound you.

Skin hydration

Our skin can get dehydrated for a variety of causes, including skin removal, a lack of sufficient sleep, a lack of hydration, or a lack of a mild skin care routine, all of which can contribute to dehydrated skin. It might be due to the use of an air conditioning system or pollutants. However, the fundamental issue is a lack of sufficient water beneath the skin, which causes it to seem dull and dry. This also occurs with greasy skin. Hyaluronic acid, often known as the "powerhouse hydrator," is virtually completely safe for all skin types and can be found in practically all of your beauty care products, from your eye cream to your lip balm and your face serum. The substance hyaluronic acid moisturizes and seals in moisture to your skin. It provides your skin an extremely smooth, velvety look and texture. It makes your skin seem younger and brighter. It also regains its suppleness. It is usually suggested to perform a patch test before using it, since some people may have skin irritation or a response to it. Put it to your wrist for a patch test and leave it on for 24–48 hours. If there is no response, it is okay to use; nonetheless, you should proceed with caution because our facial skin is considerably more sensitive than the rest of our skin. If your skin is acting up more frequently than normal, you should see a dermatologist.

It aids in the healing of wounds

Yes, it is something that aids in the healing of wounds. It can moisturize the skin and supply moisture to the tissue, which aids in tissue regeneration and speedy healing of wounds. According to a 2016 study, using hyaluronic acid on your own treatments effectively avoids additional inflammation and irritation while also regulating tissue healing.


Anti-aging can be produced by a variety of reasons. Not taking good care of your skin can result in premature ageing for a variety of reasons, including excessive exposure to sunlight or UV radiation and dealing with dust and pollution daily. UV rays cause the connective tissue under your skin to deteriorate. Because of a shortage of hyaluronic acid under your skin, your skin becomes dry, and you appear older than you are, with wrinkles and fine lines all over your face. According to one research, your skin contains around 50% hyaluronic acid. However, it changes with age. Furthermore, there are several disorders that might cause your skin to develop wrinkles and fine lines. It might have happened as a result of sunshine, UV radiation, or pollution and dust. Applying this is claimed to assist with final lines; it decreases them significantly while restoring your skin flexibility. According to a 2014 research, women who used hyaluronic acid onto their faces on a regular basis for eight weeks had a 44% drop in wrinkles and a 55% improvement in skin firmness and elasticity compared to those who did not apply it on a regular basis or at all.

It relieves joint discomfort

There are several causes of significant joint pain. It is not always necessary to have an underlying health condition for joint discomfort. Overdoing any activity, such as lifting large weights or engaging in strenuous physical activity, can also cause joint discomfort. Alternatively, joint pain can be caused by a lack of physical activity, in which your body and joints do not get enough exercise, resulting in joint discomfort. A viral infection, a collision with your body, or anything else might cause joint discomfort. Joint pain arises when the joints lose lubrication and mobility, resulting in inflammation and agony for the individual. Hyaluronic acid acts as a lubricant under the epidermis and around the joints. A combination of hyaluronic acid and medicines was used for the treatment of such diseases in a 2017 study that addressed numerous methods of therapy for osteoarthritis for joint pain and inflammation.

Acid re flux is lessened

When food enters the stomach, the lower esophageal sphincter, or LES, normally shuts, but the acid generated by the stomach exits the LES and enters the oesophagus when it doesn't.

You experience stomach pain and a burning sensation in your stomach and chest as a result.

Acid reflux can develop for a lot of reasons, including eating a big quantity of food and then going to bed or resting without allowing the food to digest completely, being overweight, eating before bedtime, or consuming liquids like tea and coffee. There are several indicators that might help you determine whether or not you have acid re-flux. Symptoms include heartburn, a persistent burning sensation in your stomach, a sour or bitter taste in your mouth after burping, bloody stool, or blood vomiting. Other symptoms exist, but these are the most common.

Furthermore, there are several disorders, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), that cause symptoms such as acid re-flux and heartburn and can lead to cardiovascular difficulties in the long term. In a 2017 research, it was discovered that adding hyaluronic acid to acid suppression drugs improved significantly. It relieves the heartburn and discomfort produced by acid reflux since it is anti-inflammatory.

However, it is best to check a doctor before adding anything or altering your prescriptions since this might make things worse.

It is beneficial to the health of the gums

There are several causes of bleeding gums. If you have a genetic gum problem or an oral disorder, you may have gum bleeding. Gum bleeding can occur if you apply too much pressure to your gums, have a vitamin deficit, or have an infection in your gums. Gum bleeding can also occur if you brush too hard, are pregnant, or are experiencing hormonal changes as a result of pregnancy. There are several strategies to avoid gum disease, such as practising regular dental hygiene, taking vitamin C, and many more. Maintaining regular checkups with your dentist is also essential. Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects of hyaluronic acid It aids in the prevention of gum bleeding, the reduction of gum swelling, and the prevention of additional bleeding. It promotes gum repair while also shielding the membrane from infection and irritation.

It relieves dry eyes

The biggest concentration of hyaluronic acid is found in our eyes. Your eyes might get dry due to a multitude of factors, including pollution, illness, or just old age. Your eyes might get dry as a result of strain from prolonged sitting in front of a computer or laptop, or from using a screen that emits UV rays, which can also impact your eyes. It not only makes your eyes dry, but it also makes them fatigued and inflamed. It is essential to take care of your eyes. Hyaluronic acid may also be found in eye drops, where it promotes moisture and comfort for your eyes. It is also beneficial in the treatment of dry eyes.

According to a 2019 study, consuming a mix of oral and tropical hyaluronic acid helps in the long term and also alleviates dry eye problems in patients.

Take care of vaginal dryness

Vaginal dryness is fairly frequent in women and can occur as a result of menopause in older women. Because the PH of the vagina differs from the rest of the body, it produces inflammation, irritation, and a burning feeling when it becomes dry. It can have an impact on a person's quality of life.

According to a 2016 study, a combination of hyaluronic acid and oestrogen lotion aids in the treatment of vaginal dryness. Researchers discovered that hyaluronic acid was the more successful of these two creams. Therefore if someone does not want to use a hormonal cream like oestrogen, they may only use hyaluronic acid cream to aid with the dryness.

It is critical to keep your vaginal PH stable in order to keep it healthy and moist. As a result, dryness is a sign of dehydration in your vagina as well as long-term difficulties. Therefore it's always a good idea to take care of it. If you don't see any changes after using the hyaloronic acid cream, it's usually a good idea to consult a gynaecologist and get the necessary medication.


Pigmentation is a skin ailment that causes the colour of your skin to alter. It can happen for a variety of causes.

Some might have hyper pigmentation as well. It is a disorder in which your body secretes a hormone that stimulates melanin production, resulting in pigmentation across your body and face. Pigmentation can also be caused by excessive sun exposure. Hyaluronic acid aids in the reduction of hyper pigmentation and pigmentation throughout the body and face. It aids in the reduction of acne scars and uneven pigmentation around the neck, nose, and lips. You may prevent pigmentation in a variety of methods, including applying sunscreen with a high SPF and avoiding direct sunlight, wearing a hat, utilizing an umbrella during hot summer days, and supplementing with vitamin C and hyaluronic acid. Vitamin C contains antioxidants that aid in the treatment of dark spots caused by direct exposure to sunlight. According to one research, combining hyaluronic acid with any form of brightness lowered pigmentation, at least in casts and persistent markings.

Before using it on your face, always perform the attached test, since some people experience skin irritation. If it causes trouble for a long time, it's always a good idea to see a doctor and have a checkup.

The skin's texture is improved

Uneven skin tone is caused by dead and dry skin cells accumulating on your skin, giving it a rough and bumpy appearance. There are several reasons why a person's skin may be uneven. Although most individuals have smooth and soft skin, sun exposure, UV rays, age, dehydration, thick acne scars, blemishes, and a lack of exfoliation can cause uneven, dry, and dull skin tone. It might also be caused by the environment.

If you have acne scars on your face, do not fill them in, but rather smooth the skin structure. This is a quality that makes your skin appear tighter, but it also makes your skin appear extremely smooth and clear. If you have a roller or a jade roller, you may rub it on your skin to make it appear and feel incredibly clean.


You can keep your skin looking beautiful by including hyaluronic acid into your everyday routine. It can help you achieve glowing, supple, and smooth skin. You may avoid these issues with a basic and mild skin care regime along with a balanced nutritious diet and exercise. You should use caution when putting harsh chemicals on your skin since it is considerably more delicate than the skin on the rest of your body.

Always remember to take care before doing anything, and always patch test. Keep in mind what looks well on your skin and what doesn't. Some people may be comfortable with it, but it might be an issue for others. If things are getting out of hand, schedule a doctor's appointment.

Frequently asked questions (FAQS)

What effect does hyaluronic acid have on your skin?

Hyaluronic acid supplements brighten your face, decrease fine wrinkles, and lighten dark spots and blemishes. It tightens and supplies moisture your skin. It softens your skin and keeps it hydrated. Making it appear plain Although it is suitable for all skin types, it is best used with caution. Some people may not react appropriately.

Is hyaluronic acid beneficial to pimples?

It may be used on a regular basis to minimize redness and the visual appearance of acne. It also protects the skin from dust and dirt particles. Because hyaluronic acid lacks strong lipid barriers, it is also useful for acne and greasy skin. Because hyaluronic acid is anti-inflammatory, it may help lessen the pain's inflammation and allow them to diminish.

Is it okay to combine hyaluronic acid with vitamin C?

It is not suggested to combine any two chemicals since their potency decreases when combined. However, when vitamin C and hyaluronic acid are combined, they become extremely potent substances. Hyaluronic acid moisturizes and softens the skin, while vitamin C brightens it. With the anti-aging composition, these components deliver long-lasting effects.

Is it okay to use hyaluronic acid around my eyes?

Yes, it can aid in the treatment of dark circles. Applying hyaluronic acid beneath your eyes decreases fine wrinkles and dark circles, giving you a more youthful appearance. It has an elasticity feature that causes your under eyes to be constricted. Although using hyaluronic acid beneath your eyes is beneficial, be cautious since the skin around your eyes is more delicate and prone to responses.

Is it okay to apply hyaluronic acid on my hair?

Hyaluronic acid may be utilized on any type of hair. Because hyaluronic acid helps to lock in moisture, it will moisturize a dry and flaky scalp. It makes your hair lustrous and frizzy-free. It also gives your hair volume.

Is it possible for hyaluronic acid to trigger facial hair growth?

Some research suggests that hyaluronic acid functions as a fertilizer and encourages hair growth. However, this varies by individual. Furthermore, using hyaluronic acid-containing lotions and serums is completely safe, and no hair growth has been documented. However, if you believe that applying it to your face increases hair growth, stop using it and give your skin a break.

Is hyaluronic acid effective in treating blackheads?

Sebum production is claimed to be controlled by hyaluronic acid. Sebum is the primary cause of unwanted zits and obstinate blackheads. As a result, hyaluronic acid may help you manage the pores produced by blackheads, as well as control sebum production and seal in moisture.

Is it okay to apply hyaluronic acid on my lips?

Because hyaluronic acid has moisture-locking characteristics, it sucks in moisture and makes your lips plump and smooth, providing enough hydration. Many lip balms use hyaluronic acid as one of the major components. It's also one of the most popular chemicals in lip fillers.

However, only put it on your lips if it is blended with something acceptable for your lips. If you use a typical serum or cream that is specifically designed for your face, it may not be suited for your lips.

Is it too soon to utilize hyaluronic acid on my Skin?

It is never too soon to begin protecting and nourishing the skin. Hyaluronic acid is a true substance that improves skin between the ages of twenty and eighty. Hyaluronic acid reduces the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles by keeping moisture in the skin and providing a plumping effect.

Can hyaluronic acid enhancements further develop bone health?

New animal study on the impact of hyaluronic acid supplements on bone health has begun. Two studies have discovered that hyaluronic acid supplementation can help decrease the rate of bone loss in rats with osteopenia, the precursor stage of osteoporosis. So it's possible that this acid will benefit your bones as well.

However, if you have any form of health concern, ask your doctor before using such supplements, since these treatments may impact some.

What are the side effects of hyaluronic acid?

In general, hyaluronic acid supplements, topical treatments, and injections appear to be safe when used according to the directions. However, in some people, hyaluronic acid might cause undesirable side effects, including allergic responses. Before utilizing a new skin product, a person should always perform a patch test.

People who receive hyaluronic acid injections may have the following adverse effects, which should subside within a week. According to WebMD, some people may have an allergic response to hyaluronic acid, resulting in redness, bruising, soreness, and injection-site swelling, although these cases are uncommon. However, because not enough is known about the safety of utilizing hyaluronic acid in any form while pregnant, pregnant women are advised to avoid it.

What can you not mix with hyaluronic acid?

While hyaluronic acid works well with most substances, retinol should be used with care when combined with alpha hydroxy and beta hydroxy acids, benzoyl peroxide, and certain kinds of vitamin C." yet it is largely safe and works best when used with regular vitamin c."

Is hyaluronic acid beneficial for eye bags?

Hyaluronic acid injections are the most efficient cosmetic method for filling up dark circles beneath the eyes. They provide rapid natural benefits that can last up to a year, need no recuperation time, have no side effects, and are completely painless.

Does hyaluronic acid enlarge pores?

Hyaluronic acid serum tightens the skin and reduces pores, causing them to shrink and eventually become unnoticeable. Smaller pores imply fewer blockages and breakouts, as well as locking in moisture and preventing it from drying out. In certain circumstances, dry skin might be one of the causes of breakouts.

Is hyaluronic acid useful for sagging skin?

Hyaluronic acid levels decline with ageing as well in your body. Hyaluronic acid is a chemical that aids in the retention of moisture and the appearance of fullness in the skin. Most people's skin begins to lose firmness between the ages of 35 and 40. After a large weight reduction, sagging skin may also occur. so this helps in reducing fine lines as well as helps in tightening of the skin. 

Is it okay to combine retinol and hyaluronic acid?

It is totally safe to combine hyaluronic acid with retinol. The use of skin care products containing these components combined should not result in any interactions or negative effects. One of the most popular skin care combos is hyaluronic acid and retinol. Retinol advantages include the ability to prevent wrinkles by decreasing their appearance, as well as smooth out existing fine lines and wrinkles.

Exfoliate at the cellular level to brighten dull skin. This will result in a more bright and smooth new skin. Control oily skin and reduce outbreaks.

Can you combine hyaluronic acid with benzoyl peroxide?

To obtain efficient results, combine AHA, BHA, retinol, and benzoyl peroxide with moisturizing substances like hyaluronic acid, ceramides, and rosehip oil - do not use retinol with AHA or BHA's throughout the day.




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